“-The best way to maintain your shiny and white teeth is to protect them from being discolored.” One of BeconfiDent new innovative products helps you to keep the white smile, the product protects the enamel from discoloration from coffee, tea and food. In addition it gives a shiny look which enhances the whiteness of the smile.
The product works by imparting a shiny, polished and protective coating to your teeth.
Discolored teeth can seriously ruin your self confidence. We all know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, it’s not fair. But we also do know that this is what does happen whenever you see someone for the first time, and the first impression last.
Try it out by ordering the Tooth Gloss that exists in 3 flavors; Mint, Cherry and Berry to suit any individual taste. Our Tooth Gloss is delivered in a smart hygienic airless bottle and it’s easy to carry along and used any time. Order from BeconfiDent e-commerce sites today.